Friday, December 18, 2015


Sometimes I feel like a total fake. People tell me I'm doing so well...having fun, thriving. What they don't see is how I fall apart every night. I miss Jim so much and my heart just aches when the world around me stops and I have time to just be. Now I understand why Aunt Gladys told me to keep busy, because her generation doesn't really want to deal with feelings. And that's what happens at the end of the day, when things are quiet. Or in the shower every morning, where the water masks my tears, and I am literally bare to my emotions. Hidden or not, I have to face my feelings.

It's funny...not haha funny but strange... I know all the right words, 'you don't get over it, you just go through it' and 'it doesn't get easier, you just get stronger'  And I know they are true. But knowing and feeling are two different things.

I expected after a year had passed that "helpful" folks would encourage me to 'get busy living'. What I did not anticipate was that I would have those same expectations for myself. I thought that I would be more joyful, more energetic and more ready to get on with my life. But that's not always the case. I still sometimes just want to stay in bed and cry missing Jim, loving Jim. I find myself getting impatient with me. While I expected, no, demanded, patience, understanding and compassion from my family and friends, for some strange reason I wasn't able to give the same to myself. Why is it easier for us to love others than love ourselves? To be patient and kind with others than it is to be with ourselves?


  1. I had a similar experience when I lost my mom and daughter. I have only recently discovered that while it is true as you say, compassion for others starts with self compassion.. the self care needed felt self indulgent and selfish to me, unfamiliar . I had a lot of 'shoulds' about what others should say or do, what I should say or do.I was hard on everyone including myself. I saw how hard it was for others to be around me as I ebbed and flowed with grief, fear, loneliness sadness and a host of ups and downs. I even believed in a timeline.. Time heals it is said. But it took me quite some time to realize that with time and self care I had more space to gently hold for my ups and downs & that I moved slowly towards a healthier way to be with me and others. I also cared less what others thought and looked inward to my self talk. But in order of me to be patient I had to take time & practice being with me in loving kindness. Trust your strength and let the tears be.

  2. Debbie - beautifully said! Thank you for your wisdom and insights. Self-care and patience keep me moving through my journey.

    And, coincidentally, I just finished a new post about not worrying about what other people think.
