Saturday, December 31, 2016

It has GOT to get better than this.

New Year's Day brings mixed emotion, sadness about past loss, uncertainty of the unknown, hope for the future, and renewed resolutions. 32 years ago tomorrow, my friends +Marie Agosta and +Gary Stoy and I sat on a cliff where an artichoke field dropped off to the Pacific Ocean. We popped a bottle of champagne, and before the farmer chased us off, we toasted the new year with, "it's gotta be better than this" which became our mantra throughout the year.


Looking back, it did get better. Then worse. Then better, and so on. Life is always going to have its ups and downs, but it's what you make of these events that determine their impact on you.

Liz Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love wrote on her Facebook page today,
But's the thing: They NEVER tell you what's coming. And even if you did see what was coming, you don't GET to dig a hole to hide in. Not while you're still lucky enough to be alive. 
What is coming shall come, and — as long as you live — you will have the enormous privilege and challenge of trying to figure out how to respond to destiny. 
Tomorrow, when you are gifted with a brand new year (and it IS a gift), nobody will sit you down and tell you what's going to happen in the next 12 months, and — as it unfolds — nobody will be able to tell you how to endure it, or how to enjoy it, or how to understand it.
That part will be up to you. 
Life will keep unfolding; you must keep manufacturing your own response. 

So yes, it will get better, and then it might get worse. I already know 2017 will come with its own special challenges, some personal, some global.  But I know, for me, I will not hashtag #fml but will use #17Blessings because it's all in how you manufacture your response. I choose to respond with gratitude, determination, compassion, resilience, hope and love. And love always wins.

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