Friday, November 13, 2015

You're So Lucky

I returned to work two months after my husband, Jim, died. I am a teacher and returned in April, and then had two months of school then two months off for summer break. I returned to what was arguably the second hardest year in my teaching career. After that I decided I needed a break, and am currently on a 'gap year', trying out retirement at the age of 56.

People say to me how lucky I am that I can take a year off work. Lucky, really??

I started saving 5-10% of my income the day I started working. I have worked hard for almost  40 years to be able to have the choices I have today.  When Jim and I were married, we made a concerted effort to pay off our house and live debt free. No, we didn't take a lot of fancy vacations or buy luxury cars, but we did enjoy life. In fact when we were both in high tech, we lived 'richer' than either of us had ever dreamed possible. We created our own home theater and our back yard is my retreat. We love the beach, the forest, family and found our joy in simplicity.

We planned to retire young, travel more and slow down. And then came the news that would forever change us, BC and AD - Before Cancer and After Diagnosis. Jim always believed he would defy the odds and live 20 years or more. He used to tease that I should document everything I do just in case i got hit by a bus. Despite his optimism, he began to take care of business in ernest. Before his disability payments kicked in, he started selling off car parts and stereo equipment. He was so worried that his disease would deplete our hard earned savings that he even considered selling his car...his other love. Fortunately, the payments came through and he could stop worrying, a little.

After he died, I was informed that his company life insurance policy would be paid. I would gladly give it all back to have Jim, but I know it was his plan that if either of us died, the survivor would not have to work. That first year back to school, I had to work...not for money but for sanity.  But the next year, I called upon Jim's wisdom and took a break.

So, I have saved all my life and my husband died...lucky? No. Not at all.  

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